miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2009

Reading Charles Bukowski

the sound of silence makes
me think
that i do not deserve life
i do not deserve what i have
but i have nothing
except this life
full of mistakes
so i will waste this life
i will sell it in the black market
maybe they could give me some bucks
after all
people say my soul is rich
a wealthy soul that has a lot of money
but he is a bastard
because he won't share it with me

i can't sleep in this silence
it's full of noises
i hate this
like extremely hot coffee
and how it burns your tongue
and you can't talk propertly
so you mix up words
and you make noises
and people gives you money
because you are a freak
and you scream


but they don't listen
because they think you said
something completely different


i don't know
i'm dead

lunes, 9 de marzo de 2009

Nieve Negra

Me duelen los pies de tanto caminar.
Pero es necesario seguir recorriendo tu cuerpo.
He llegado a lugares tan, pero tan solos.
Tan tristes.
Que me es imposible olvidarlos.
Y me toca escribirlos, en caso de que los olvide.
Estoy tan cansado y sentarme me quita tiempo.
Asi que, para mi cumpleaños.
Me puedes regalar una silla de ruedas.
Para rodar por tus venas.
Y sentir aquella sangre caliente.
Esa sangre que has guardado.
Para que navegue hasta tu corazón.
Hasta que me pidas que me vaya.
Y yo, me iré rodando.